Saturday, March 10, 2012

pathway to ?

everybody has a story to tell. everyone has a journey ahead of them, and a path that they must walk. people come and go for reasons unknown. things happen that cannot be explained. but we have to wake up and deal with our choices 100% alone. no one can ever know every little thing about you. never. so, why do people make choices that dont make them happy? why are we constantly thinking about everyone but ourselves and our own needs? because, i am the one who has to look at myself in the mirror everyday and be me. no one has the stuff and baggage i have  and so why not live everyday for yourself. i have been trying to and i have never been happier. when i do this, my happy days are happier and my bad days dont seem so bad. i am so full of love and "umff" for life. 
what picture do you think describes your life and pathway/journey? the ones i made slightly bigger are the ones that are similar with my life i think... enjoy :)

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