Sunday, July 24, 2011


(**i wrote this forever ago but apparently it didnt load so it was just saved as a draft... whoops!!)

i havent posted in ages about anything fun (without pictures) so prepare yourself for a somewhat lenghthy post....

so, lifes treated me well lately. ive done fun summer things and its been great! last summer was wayyy jammed pack with exciting adventures. this summer hasnt been as jammed because of lame work and such buttt ive still got to go and do fun things! like the other week i went to taylorsville dayzz. which if you know me, you know i LOVE the rides and fireworks and everything. fireworks on saturday were the most amazing things ever!!! but bad news bears.. i lost my camera? how how how? i dunno i was sad but then i got over it semi quickly. i just purchased a new camera and i LOVE it! its a canon and i was lucky enough to try it out this past week while i was in Star Valley Idaho. i had so much fun we went and did so many fun things and it was nice to not have to work or not have to worry about anything.  here are some pictures from the fun trip...

annnnddd for some reason the pictures wont load. dannnnngittt!!! anyways i had fun and thats all anybody needs to know!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

my god

i believe these words with everything inside of myself. I try... (and fail!) to exemplify this every day. i wish/hope that i am someone people can get to know and realize that i truely am someone who loves everyone as well. i know im not perfect but its something awesome to work towards!


i suck at blogging and we all know that. and when i do blog, all the are about are happy and positive-feelgoods and sometimes thats not fun. hmm oh well...anyways great, now thats out of the way...

i stumbled upon this story.. .please feel free to enjoy, because i surely did.

"This picture is from an article called "The Rescuing Hug". The article details the first week of life of a set of twins. Each were in their respective incubators and one was not expected to live. A hospital nurse fought against the hospital rules and placed the babies in one incubator. When they were placed together, the healthier of the two threw an arm over her sister in an endearing embrace. The smaller baby's heart stabilized and temperature rose to normal"