Sunday, April 24, 2011


my heart is more then full this easter morning. im thankful for family, friends and all that they help me do. im thankful for the house i live in, job i have and car i get to drive. im thankful that i remember where ive been but im thankful that ive looked past that and now can see where im going in life. im grateful for my religion and even though ive made decisions that werent the best and werent parallel to my faith that ive been able to slowly but surely make my way back. im thankful for the bed i have, the food i eat and the excessive amounts of clothing and jewelry i have. im grateful for me being able to go to school and be able to have parents that help put me through school. im thankful for my parents teaching me what hard work really is and i love that i can look at their hands and its obvious that they have worked for everything that they’ve ever gotten. im glad that i have friends who look to me for help and im glad i have a few friends i do the same with. im so glad that ive finally found a boy to be with that lets me be who i am and that is so awesome for me even though some people cant see it. im thankful for the love that people show me and im so glad that im healthy. im glad that i was blessed with a fun personality and a good sense of humor. im just happy to be alive and kickin! if you arent feeling as lucky as i do today, read this thing below, im sure everyone has at least five things to be grateful for today! ... enjoy the day! xoxostevie!


1. YOU ARE ALIVE. Life is a gift. Mornings are gifts. Every time you wake up, stretch out those arms and say,“thank you for the gift of a brand new day!”

2. YOU CAN SEE. Oh to have the gift of sight! What a blessing! With your eyes, you can watch the magnificent world you live in. You can see your face in the mirror. You are able to enjoy the beauty of a leaf, a flower, a snowflake, a child, a star, a rainbow and the look of love.

3. YOU CAN HEAR. The thousands of fibers found in your ears could pick up the whisper of the leaves in the trees, the waves of the ocean, the raindrops falling on the roof, the loud thunder, the laughter of children, the ringing of the phone, and hear the words “I love you.”

4. YOU CAN SPEAK. You can utter words that can encourage, inspire, teach, guide, comfort, uplift, motivate and say the words “Thank you”; “I am here for you”; and “I love you.”

5. YOU CAN MOVE. You are joy in motion. You have the ability to dance, walk, run, hop and skip as you travel the road of life.

6. YOU CAN EAT. You can enjoy different food…the sweetness of ice cream and cakes, the crunchy veggies, mouthwatering seafood, the tender juicy chicken, pork or beef. Aren't we thankful that that the healthy food we eat gives us energy and helps us to grow?

7. YOU CAN DRINK. And be merry! You can drink and allow water and fresh juices to quench your thirst. You can drink a toast to celebrate a wedding, a romantic evening, or warm your body on cold winter nights.

8. YOU CAN SMELL. Your sense of smell can enhance the taste of food. It can connect you to wonderful memories like remembering your baby cradled in your arms, the perfume of your beloved, or their sweet smelling hair.

9. YOU CAN TOUCH. Your hands can caress and soothe a loved one. You can touch and feel the different textures-soft, rough and silky smooth. With your touch you can express your love without words.

10. YOU CAN READ. When you look at the words and letters, they are not jumbled or inverted. Having the ability to read has open your doors to knowledge and wisdom found in books, magazines, newspapers and the internet.

11. YOU CAN SING. Whether it be extraordinary talent or simply singing in the shower, you can sing. You can sing your favorite song. You can hum a tune. Or even a lullaby. You can sing as you cook or clean the house.

12.YOU CAN WRITE. You can write and share your experiences. You can write love letters, thank you notes, and compose songs and poetry. Or write a check list of the things you need to buy in the grocery.

13. YOU CAN THINK. You have the ability to think, to plan and to analyze. When problems arise, you can come up with solutions to solve them.

14. YOU CAN FEEL. You have the ability to feel and experience all sorts of emotions - happy, sad, angry, confused, surprised, and disappointed and so on. Your feelings add spice to your life.

15. YOU CAN SLEEP. You can rest when you are tired and exhausted. Your body has been given the gift of sleep so it could recuperate and re-energize itself.

16. YOUR SKIN covers you from your head to your toes and keeps away germs that might make you sick. Steels may eventually rust but not your skin.

17. YOUR MUSCLES help you move. Hundreds of them, both big and small, help your run, walk, swim, do your laundry, share a smile.

18. YOUR BONES like your ribs protect your heart and lungs from getting damaged. Your skeleton is hard and strong and yet quite light. Imagine what it would be like if you didn't have bones? You would be like a bag of jelly!

19. YOUR LUNGSfilter life-giving oxygen. Your lungs labor every second of every day as they help your body rid of gaseous wastes.

20. YOUR KIDNEYS are bean-shaped organs, each about the size of your fist, are sophisticated reprocessing machines. Every day, it filters your blood; and the waste and extra water is excreted when you urinate.

21. YOUR STOMACH is an organ of digestion. Once food is inside the tummy, gastric juices come out to break down the food.

22. YOUR INTESTINES help you remove wastes from your body.

23. YOUR LIVER is the largest glandular organ of the body. Some of its functions are: It produces substances that break down fats, filter harmful stuff from your blood like alcohol, stores some of the vitamins and minerals.

24. YOUR OVARIES produce hormones which give the female its body characteristics like breasts, body shape and hair. It also regulates menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

25. YOUR PROSTATE GLANDis part of a man's reproductive system, helping to regulate bladder control and normal sexual functioning. The prostate gland stores and produce seminal fluid, which nourishes the sperm.

26. YOUR THYROID produces thyroid hormones that control your body's metabolism. It has influence over your body's organs, tissues and cells. These hormones also control heart rate, body temperature and weight, energy level, muscle strength and even menstrual regularity.

27. YOUR HEART is responsible for supplying oxygenated blood to your body. Your heart pumps nearly five quarts of blood through your body every sixty seconds. Imagine that!

28. YOUR BRAIN is the control center of your body. It is there to help you store away every perception, sound, taste, smell, every action you have done since birth, sleep, hunger, thirst and all the other activities you need to do in order to survive.

29. YOUR BLOOD carries the necessary oxygen and nutrients to your different organs. Without it, we can't fight infection, get rid of our body's waste products, or keep warm or cool. If we lack blood, we would surely weaken and die.

30. YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM is the body's defense against viruses, bacteria and other invaders that may be harmful to you. You have cells that chew up invading organisms while other cells have built in memory on them so that your body recognizes and remembers previous invaders and help the body destroy them.

(There are still a LOT of things that can be said about our amazing body. It would take a book to list all of them. But for now, just pause for awhile and be grateful for what each cell, nerve, tissue, organ in your body is doing for you. It is working twenty fours a day (without breaks) and even if you are not commanding it to. How truly marvelous are our bodies!)

31. Be grateful for YOUR FAMILY. Isn't it great to belong a family? Imperfect our families may be but here we find the opportunity to grow, share, give and receive love.

32. Be grateful for YOUR FRIENDS. If we do not find love at home, sometimes we find the care and support from friends. True friends who stand by you, who knows your quirks and weird ways, but have decided to love you anyway.

33. Be grateful for YOUR COLLEAGUES. There are people at work who are your inspiration and guide to help you succeed in your career.

34. Be grateful for YOUR TEACHERS. People who have taught you and shared with you their knowledge and skills.

35. Be grateful for YOUR LIFE COACHES. Some people in your life teaches you how to live your life to the fullest.

36. Be grateful for YOUR PREACHERS, PASTORS. They have walked their talk and you have seen how their love for God have changed their lives.

37. Be grateful for QUIET ANGELS. They walk into your life, often unannounced, help you in whatever way they can and just as quietly leave.

38. Be grateful for KIND STRANGERS. Out of the blue, you receive unexpected help, a kind word, a message of inspiration, a smile.

39. Be grateful for BELIEVERS. They are those who see the goodness in you and believe in you and what you can do.

40. Be grateful for the LISTENERS. They can sit still and listen to you with all their heart as you pour out your burdens. They can empathize with you.

41. Be grateful for the JOY GIVERS. They radiate sunshine and warmth. And when you feel down, a dose of their joy lifts you up!

42. Be grateful for the HUGGERS. They can engulf you in a hug that makes you feel safe and secure. Their hugs tell you that you are not alone.

43. Be grateful for RIPPLEMAKERS. People who make a difference in little and big ways. Perhaps its somebody at home who makes you feel good when they are around. Or its the bagger at the grocery counter who never fails to greet you and make you feel nice.

44. Be grateful for PEACEMAKERS. They have chosen the path of peace. They will choose and respond to situations with love than hate.

45. Be grateful for LOVERS. The words that come out of their mouth are the words that start with I LOVE...not I hate. Lovers of life. Lovers of goodness. Lovers of art. Lovers of sports. Lovers of growing. Lovers of plants. Lovers of helping people see the beauty in themselves. Be grateful for people who will lead you gently back to yourself.



was tonight one of the best nights of my life? yep.
goodnight everyone, xoxostevie

Saturday, April 23, 2011


cades as the sand dunes and i miss him miss him miss him! its been nice to jt hang out and do my own thing though but i cant wait til he comes home! tonight im hanging out with my friend Maddie and i think we are going to go to the place called Sp^rk. Its in Provo, and ive never been before so im kind of excited about it! its a fun place where you can get yummy virgin drinks and have a grand old time! wish me good times :)

day 30

day 29. who are you?

*im finally done with this challenge! whoopwhoooop!

Anyways, who am i?...  well i am  Stevie Zel Hansgen. Daughter of Bryan Dee Hansgen and Sidney Lunt Hansgen. Sister to Ely Ancil Hansgen and Samson Dee Hansgen. I'm 5’4” and weigh 130 on a good day. I have blue eyes; with 3 and 4WC mixed on my hair (redish brown) I have beige skin. A pig nose, a mole on my right cheek and  I have stumpy fingers…. Hahah let’s be honest those are creepishly true facts but that’s not fun to talk about… Although I am all of those things that I said are true there is so much more to me then those things..
these are some quick funny things about me that some people may not know....

It’s hard for me to get rid of things that meant something to me at some point.
I like to use good manners.
I love pranking and harassing people at hair school or anywhere for that matter
I love talking with people who weren’t born in my country.
I love pictures
I’m genuinely wildly enthusiastic when other people succeed.

I love adventures
I love learning about people
I'm irritable
Voicemails are the worst ever
People say that they love my smile
I love getting compliments
My favorite piece of clothing to wear is my tie-dye shirt from di.
I love making other people happy, I love to hear them laughing or seeing their eyes light up with a smile.
If I was to ever get myself a husband, they would have to accept that I truly love my bed. A lot.
I can recognize my own faults, although I don’t like to admit them.

I make lasting connections with people.
I like animals to live, just not by me.
My biggest fear is that my husband will die and leave me alone.
I can make just about anybody laugh.
I make friends easily

I know how to have fun, no matter where I’m at
I can get out of a lot of situations without being rude but sometimes its easier to just be rude.
I have a great relationship with my mom and brothers.
I'm not good with children, I hate that about myself I just don’t know how to act around them
I loveeeee reading!!

I will try most things once
I love hiking and rock climbing and such
I refuse to let people walk all over me
I have no problem whatsoever with confrontation
I used to love my hair now its straw.
I hate shopping
I used to be really good at artsy things but then I stopped

I love my eyes
I embrace food
I don’t love easily, but I when I do, it’s with all of my heart. I do anything I can to protect the people I care about and show them that they mean a lot to me.
I'm extremely loyal
I'm usually decisive. So when I say I don’t care take advantage of it because that’s a rare occasion
I'm a good listener
I hate harry potter, fake, fantasy crapp. (minus lord of the rings)
I think I'm pretty
I rarely wear makeup and if I do its mascara. Blah makeup
I'm not easily swayed
I'm very open-minded
I ask a lot of questions
I have fat fingers
I think people look like animals and I look like a pig
I'm irrational sometimes
I used to lie a lot but I stopped cause it lame to lie so now i. do. Not. Lie. Ever. Never. Ever.
I don’t brush my hair… ever
My farts don’t make noise or stink

My phones always on silent
Coldstones bomb!
Small houses are my favorite
I have a blanket I sleep with every night and I love it
winter and fall are my favorites
I'm not obsessed with lady gaga
I use spray deodorant
I miss when Jordan Jenkins myself and Mariah Duran used to be inseperable.
I swear sometimes, and i hate the habit but sometimes its funny. ahh i hate that i feel that way. thats something im working on though...
Child Abuse Scares me.
I love the Heart on the Wasatch Mountains when the snow melts!
annnddd being inappropriate is the best kind of funny!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


ahhhh! you guys,
i love him. way more then i should maybe. and everyone knows i cannot turn down a boy with a ninja bun. i love him in lost.. mmmhmm scrumptious!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

day 29

Day 29: Someone you'd switch lives with for a day and why?
urgh, this ones been super hard for me. its taken me a lonnnggg time to complete this challenge but this ones been the hardest question yet. i cant think of one particular person. not one person stands out in my mind. the things that ive been thinking of are more like the lifestyles people live yanno?

i think that i have nice things, not anything fancy but little simle things are what get me by in my life and im fine with that. but there are SO many people who wouldnt even know what to do with themselves if they had all that i have. running water, showers, a bed, a blanket, food in my fridge, cuboards, garage, pantry, excessive amounts of clothes, a computer, and education... it makes me wonder how they even do it? yet doesnt it seem to be that those people in africa, middle east, ANYWHERE... they are the  ones who have smiles on their faces. they are grateful for what little they have. i would love to know what it would be like if someone came in, took everything i ever loved, wanted, earned boren with and just had me live like some people have had to. i know my attitude about so many things would be so different and i would treat the many things i do have with respect. everyone wants to be famous, who can blame them? it would be nice to sleep in when i wanted to, order millions of dollars in clothes a day, not go to work, school, do anything somedays because why would i need to? i would have billions stashed away i was just sitting on. although that would be nice a day or two out of the year, if i was to want to live like that, i know that i wouldnt learn anything. nothing about myself, my family or being grateful.

theres a song i was listening to today on the way to work by one of my favorie artists Ryan Adams. Anyways, one of my favorite songs by him came on my shuffle today with the ipod and this lyric quote really struck me....

"If everybody is grateful, how come nobody's satisfied?"

how perfect is that? i know it hits me right on the head sometimes! i really can say i am so grateful for what i have been able to provide for myself, what my family has given me and what god has allowed me to have in this life, i truely am grateful for it. but, why am i not satisfied all the time? i always find myself thinking "oh i need to save for that" or "mom i want one of those" or yaddidada... anyways i think that im going to challenge myself this week to try and be grateful but also try to be satisfied and not always reach for more. you wanna do it with me? please do! okay nightynigghhhhtt!

discretion advised

last weekend i had a frenectomy on my lower lip. yuck, not fun i bled all weekend and had a liver clot and yeah bad news bears. so i couldn’t really go out or do anything other then watch Lost. i love watching Lost, but there was a lot of fun stuff going on last weekend so it was a bummer to miss out. Cade hung out with me Friday night, Saturday and then i made him go hang out at night because he was super nice and hung out with me for those two days so I went home and slept. Then woke up on Sunday and had that liver clot I was telling you about and I was so over bleeding over everything I owned and just sore from having to hold my mouth wear and gauze up in my business and BLEH! but thankfully I got better that afternoon and now im getting to be 100% better! It still feels weird to hold my mouth a certain way or making funny faces so that’s been the only downfall so far!

Anyways I was super excited for this weekend! I was excited to see friends and go out and about...


Cade was playing in a soccer game on Saturday and messed up his ankle (it was just barely starting to get better from a few weeks ago when he really hurt it) and it blew up and started swelling up super fast and stayed that way the rest of the night... I felt so bad for him. So long story short we didn’t go out AGAIN! It’s kind of nice not feeling like we have to go out all the time but sometimes it’s nice to see faces that haven’t been seen in a long time! We went and got Japanese take-out and hung out and just enjoyed each other’s company while he iced his fatty ankle! It started getting better as the night went on so I’m sure he’s going to be fine!!

This next week my parents and Ely go out of town for a baseball tournament in Vegas... so lucky! Sam and I were going to go but finals are coming up for me and Sam has a lot of soccer stuff going on so it’s just us two at the house! Cade and them are going to the sand dunes, I’m sad I’m not going to be able to come down but there will be plenty of times this summer we will go out and do stuff like that! I’m excited for the week and weekend with sammmmmmyy! Haha this blog post was pointless but that’s alright... happy Sunday everybody!


Monday, April 11, 2011

quote i should live by...

“Everything comes when it must come. A life cannot be rushed, cannot be worked on a schedule as so many people want it to be. We must accept what comes to us at a given time, and not ask for more.”
-Brian Weiss
Many Lives, Many Masters

Friday, April 8, 2011

day 28

day 28. Two confessions...

urgh confessions? like serious ones? blah i dunno any right now but i will think of somethign that comes into my head while making Top Ramen....

okay im back uhhh these aer the only ones i came up with...

1.i think im the only person who didnt fall in love with Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers and Taylor Swift. dont get me wrong i hum their songs when they play at my work but some people LOVE them.... adore them. im not one of those people. they dont have true talent therfore i refuse to buy their music.  

2.there is nothing stylish or fassionable about bedazzled jeans, affliction shirts, ed hardy attire and such and such. and therefore i hate them all. not that everything needs to be fancy fasionable whatever... i mean seriously i shop at gap keepin it simple haha but like yuck i hate it all. i dont know why but it irritaes me.

hahahha im not in a deep thinking mood so those were as deep as i could dig. :) happy friday everyone!