Monday, August 16, 2010

summary of summmmerrrr

Two posts for one day isn’t bad right?! Does it violate any blog code of conduct!? I sure hope not... holy cow, this summer has been more then I could ever ask for! It has been the best summer I think I have ever had! I have done so many fun, and exciting things and I still have one more week! I have done everything from camping, hiking, swimming, laughing, ice cream, concerts, Yoway Yogurt, park city, floating Provo River, my cabin, Star Valley, road trip, Lake Powell, wisdom teeth out and a whole lot more! I have met fun people, done fun things and experienced things I don’t think I could have! when I think of something that sums up this summer pretty well its camping, and my friends Rachel, cede and Paul. I have gotten so close to the three of them and I am so thankful for them! I’m sure you are going to be hearing a lot more about them in later posts but they truly are my best friends and I love them to pieces! I went through all my pictures this summer and picked out my very favorites... I cut them down to the bare minimum and there was still a ton I hope you all enjoy my summary of this summer! xoxo szh