Sunday, March 20, 2011


urgh. i hate when im in the mood that i just happen to be in. you guys, it sucks. i hate when im bugged or angry or mad or frustrated or a combination of those 4. i just get in this mood every once in a while when EVERYTHING bothers me. seriously, everything. things that wouldnt normally irritate do and things that would kind of rub me the wrong way get amplified by 300. i know, its lame i push people away by having this habit but its something i cant snap out of. i try de-stressing or meditating or praying or whatever and it wont help.
anywaysss... next topic. this week. spring break was fun, nothing exciting happened which i am halfway sad about because i am in school allll day and then work everyday right after my long day at school and to be honest it gets old. being busy and working and then feeling like you never have money. guys, that sucks!!! so i wanted to go somewhere, long story short: i have no money and flakey friends. nice right? but then it was super nice because i realized, hey. i dont have to be anywhere alll day aka sleep in? haaaaaaaleee yeah! plus Cade took me to park city to go shopping, out to eat a few times. Went and hung out with some people i havent seen in a while, went to a party in park city that was fun, and i went and hung out with my long, lost friend Tessa which was nice because i  havent seen her in ages! anyways we went and met some new friends 2 nights in a row, which is always fun and exciting. so gosh... im awful for complaining about my life up thurr. im surrounded by awesome people, who care. i like that but at the same time i still can feel annoyed... urgh okay stop. any remedies? youre guess is as good as mine. oh well, tomorrow is another day. xoxostevie

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