Thursday, January 27, 2011

day 25

25. What are your favorite lyrics from a song played by your favorite band/singer/artist?

so hard to choose an absolute. I can never just pick one thing I love. Which is funny because I get bugged when people say they dont have favorites. I'm thinking, “okay idiot I know you like one thing more then the other you just need to think about it long enough…” well yeah I don’t like thinking about it. But this post will make someone very happy J (connor martin) he introduced me to one of my all time favorite bands. The Avett Brothers. Their style of music is what I love., meaningful lyrics, guitar-y/instrument-y kind of thing. Some people think you have to love a slow song for it to have “deep” or “inspirational” lyrics. And quite frankly, I say bullshit.  Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise. (awesome music video, watch watch watch!!!) One of my favorite quotes is from the song is a simple phrase but super meaningful... 

"Decide what to be and go be it"

just way super awesome and inspirational. it can be used on many levels and help anyone out with whatever their situation might be yanno? anyways i dont feel like explaining myself. i just likfe it. so there.The next quote i love is from the same band but a different song. this ones called Murder In the City. i like it because it just because. i've lost my umhhf for blogging right now. the quote is this...
"Always remember, there is nothing worth sharing
Like the love that let us share our name"

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