Monday, April 16, 2012

phone call

todays the best day ever. yell it, write it down.. SOMETHING! i just got to talk to cade and i dont think i could ever be happier then i am right now. i feel like i just won the best prize of all!!!! i couldnt sleep last night for longer then 30 minutes and i kept checking my phone to see if i had some how missed it or whatever. anyways we got to talk for one hour, four minutes and twelve seconds... i dont know if i have ever loved an hour so much in my while life! it seems unreal that i was actually able to hear his voice! we talked about everything, school, missions, spanish, boys, kissing, hugging, hiking, loving... everything. i love him so much and it just feels like it grows everyday.
its very hard though to know what to do. here i am, being alone and away from him and boys ask me to go on dates... i go, but not because i am genuinely interested, i go because why not? i have nothing else to do, the boys that ask me to go are fun and i enjoy their company but i just know from the boys i have went out with, they are just not long term material for me. and thats how i have always been, i was never someone to just date a million boys not seriously at the same time and stuff. i was always someone that, if i liked someone then thats all that there was for a longggg time. who knows if i am supposed to end up with cade?! but as of right now, he is by far the closest i have ever came to being in love, and being someone i could see myself having a family with and all that comes from that. 

he will do amazing things in texas and i am so lucky to have him as an example for me to live in a way that i should be worthy to be with him when he comes home. 
ahhhh today was the best ever and its only 7:45.... yayayay!!!

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