Tuesday, February 21, 2012


anddd here i am again!!! i haven't posted anything for a minute and its because, i have been so busy! its been lovely! i have worked a lot more, worked out, school and of course made some times for friend time!!! on friday i hung out with my friends and then hung out with my friend sean who was in town which was fun. saturday i worked allll day, saw ely off to his senior prom (sooo weird, i feel like i was doing that just yesterday!!!) and then i had a dinner with my momma and pops and then i hung out with my friends ali, derek, tiff, and jon. it was pretty fun, tiff got her tonsils out so we hung out there for a little bit, and then we went over to justin berrets house. it was really good to see everyone over there cause i hadn't seen them all forever!!!

life is so beautiful i cant even believe it! i am having so much fun with my everyday life, and i honestly couldn't ask for anything better. 

with cade leaving it posed some interesting thoughts. about our next two years, whatever happens after etc. he told me not to wait, and i was hesitant at first but i decided it truly was for the best. after he left i talked to my mom and just basically said, when would be the right time for me to actually start going on dates --mind you, somebody would have to ask me to go first for me to be able to make that decision but whatever....hahaha-- and my mom said it prefect, she just said, well why wait?  just do it. just because you go on a date with somebody, doesn't mean that you have to be with just that person. 

i don't know why i hadn't thought of that before but its way true. i guess i am just a different kind of person so its harder for me. if i like someone, i just like them. ive never been someone who just dates everyone and feels okay about it, but i think that i should give it a try... right?! i have nothing else to lose!!!!

anyways   thats all i have for now. today i have a date with my good friend khylee, we are going to park cafe and then going to hang out and do some shopping i guess. i dont know what is wrong with me lately but i have been in a shopping mood, and for those who know me, know that i dislike shopping. wednesday is work and school and then i am hanging out with my friends cotee and dimitra. and then the rest i dont really have a clue! i  dont know what i am up to this weekend, but instead of making set in stone plans, i am going to wait it out, and hang out with whomever comes calling :)

this is a photograph by an artist i am particularly fond of. his art is interesting and it makes me look for it seems like, minutes beyond minutes. enjoy your tuesday :)

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