I knew this day had to come eventually. my two best friends are leaving within one month of each other, crazy! Matthew bauer, so weird! When I first met this kid, it was in jr high with my friend Jordan Jenkins. I didn’t think much of it, I knew who he was in high school, I would see him around but never really got to know him. It wasn’t until I started hanging out with cade and paul, that I really did begin to get to know him. SO FUNNY! Seriously, we could laugh about anything, and it was always a good time. We all lived in the same neighborhood and we were in the same ward together. We were doing things we shouldn’t have been doing, and we definitely weren’t being any sort of help to each other, but then again, why would we be? We thought we were all having the times of our lives. No cares in the world… well, then Matt moved out with our friend Berrett and his cousin. We still saw him a lot because we went over to the apartment often… well, when cade decided to go on a mission, I can’t lie I was kind of bugged. Why would he want to stop having fun and hanging out with all of our friends for a weird thing like church. Sure, I believed it all was true but I didn’t find it necessary to stop our current lifestyle. We weren’t doing anything that crazy… anyways I slowly came around and realized that the life I was living, wasn’t for me either so we slowly distanced ourselves from those situations. It was really good because I saw an instant change in my life. I was more productive, more motivated, genuinely happier, and at that moment, I knew I had made the right decision, and cade felt the same. Well, it was great during the week, but when the weekend would roll around, everyone of our usual friends, would all go to Matt and Berretts to hang out. Cade and I would go once every month or so, but not even that usually. We just got to the point when it wasn’t fun watching the same people, do the same things and act the same way. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done, to stop hanging out with the people I became so close with. It wasn’t because they weren’t awesome people, because they were. It was just hard for cade and I to keep saying no, and not feeling on the same level as everyone else. It was really hard because they were my best friends for so long, but we had to give it up. Well, a few months went by and then matt told us he moved out. HUGE SHOCKER!!! And from that point on, he never looked back. He stopped giving into the temptations and got ready to serve an lds mission. I couldn’t believe it. I was sooooo ecstatic! Well, the rest is history! From that moment on, we were inseparable. We did everything together. And it wasn’t even like it was cade and I and then the 3
rd wheel matt, it was just like we all three were best friends. We talked about everything together, life, family, friends, future hopes and dreams, jobs, frustrations, happiest moments in our life…. Everything. We became each others life lines. If any of us ever thought of giving up, there were always two people helping them back out of the funk that they were in. we laughed together, cried together, yelled at each other… the whole thing. We all couldn’t believe that in a few short months, all of us would be separated, but then again not really. We all were stronger people. We knew that in 2 years, we would all be back to hanging out and being best friends all over again. on friday night, the celebrations began! we went to dinner at (you all know this) but my favorite Bonsai! matt hasnt been there and he was sick of all of us talking about how delicious it was so he said that was the one thing he wanted to do before he left! haha Matt had his farewell talk on sunday and did amazing. Looking back one year ago, he is a changed man, and I can only imagine what the next two will do for him. We hung out at his house after with some of our friends and talked, he came and hung out with us Monday night, and then Tuesday afternoon, matt and I went to mcdonalds for our last ice cream sundae, and mcdouble with big mac sauce. It was so nice to be able to hang out and talk once again but it was beginning to sink in that we only had a few hours left. He dropped me off and asked if cade and I would come to his setting apart that night, Of course we said yes. Matt bore his testimony and I felt the spirit so strongly. At the end, he turned to cade and I and told us, that he knew he wouldn’t have been able to go on a mission if it wasn’t for us two. Cade and I were already bawling, so you can imagine what happened after he said that. Right after he bore his testimony he got up to get set apart, his sister and mom said quick, you have to hug stevie. Matt and I just looked at each other and started cryin again. We both hugged and I knew I was having to say goodbye to my best friend. After we went to his house with paul, maddi, mikey and parker and just hung out and spent the last few hours we could with him. We finally left and that was it. I texted him right when I got home and sent him my testimony. We talked back and forth for a minute but then stopped. I thought that was going to be the last time we talked until we wrote letters. He then texted me out of the blue while i was at work…
Matt-hey, I love you and thanks for being the best friend ever.
Me-I love you too matt, don’t forget it!
Matt-I couldn’t forget about you
Me-stop this nonsense, youre making me cry at work!
Matt-im sorry L I had to say it though
Me- love ya to meridia and back!
Matt-hahahhaha thanks, youre the best
Me-no, im not!
Matt-haha, but I love you, im about to get dropped off. Write to me and pray for me.
Me-I will matt, love you.
Matt-thanks, see you in 2.
Uh, yeah I was crying at work. It just hit me again, that he was going to be gone forever. No more late night chats, no more temple together, no more rancheritos, no more funny texts, no more tanning buddies, no more mcdonalds, no more shopping, not for 2 years. I am so happy and grateful that hes going on a mission though, matt has a way about him that will make everyone feel special. He will do so well and I am so excited to hear about his successes! Urgh, enough of this nonsense… one down, one to go, wish me luck! J
cade, myself, matt, paul and maddi at bonsai
berrett, cade, me, matt, maddi and paul at matts house after his farewell talk on sunday
at his setting apart. this was after we all were crying so all of our eyes look a little red and squinty
see you in two matt!!!!!!!
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