now, i think everyone who reads this blog knows me personally. if not, thats okay! but most of you probably know i enjoy working out on occasion. not something i do religiously. i would like to get into the habit but when it comes right down to it. i dont want to. because i would rather snack, hang out with friends, eat different places, laugh, sit, lounge, and sleep... the list could go on for daysss. but anyways i have been eating smaller portions and watching when i eat and i have actually lost some weight (yahoo) and its been swell. i also have been trying to prioritize what i do during the day so i keep myself at a steady level of busy and not be super lazy or super craziness running around bidness. i think thats a big part of just being healthy with yourself... just being happy with what you are doing during the day has had a huge impact on my body, mind, energy, thoughts etc.... i love being modivated. whether its s seminar, quotes, someone to look up to etc. these are different pictures i have found that modivate me and also just give me a good laugh!!.... enjoy :)

this has nothing to do with anything but i still found it applicable because shaving is something done with your legs and legs are apart of your body therefore it can be tied in... hahahaha

extremely helpful for myself. whenever im crazing something i pull this up and it has helped me a ton!!!

it makes me feel selfish for wanting a day of... but not bad enough to take a full week off for lake powell.. ehem.

this quote makes me run at least one more lap, a few strides faster, with my heart smiling just a wee bit.... :)
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