you guys. this sucks. this sucks big time this time.firslty because i havent really wrote anything for like every and secondly because this is just a weird and hard topic for me to talk about so for once my blog is sadddish. ive already mentioned about how i was a dumbo in high school and lied about silly, weirdy, crazy people things in previous blog posts. but thats all in the past right? urgh i already hate being called out when i do things wrong now, let alone like yearsss ago. ive already said a way big, huge, fat SORRY to everyone i hurt, or lied to or just messed things up with. and now its just super hard to deal with it being brought up every now and again. i know i know you get to choose the choice but never the consequence. i just wish the consequences would stop. ive alreay said sorry to my peeeeps and my god. so like, just stop boppin in and around my life randomly you stupid choice i made. like please. for once. and people that bring people faults onto the table, shame on you. you dont want to live in a glass house and neither do i. so stop throwing rocks and hurting my feelings. please. people who love me for who i am despite the lame stupid choices ive made are my real friends and everyone else sucks! urgh.

anyways. im a happy person just like 4 differrent lame things have happened to myself and members of my family lately and everyone just needs to be happy and not sad and bring other peoples down. dont waste that energy! everyones beautiful and fun. plus i lost my camera. which should be a big deal, but it kind of wasnt cause its just something thats replaceable. and on a happier note im going to kid cudi tomorrow. everyone and their puppy and kitty are coming too but who cares. i love the man on the moon. now adios and enjoy the week :)
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