Friday, May 20, 2011


a professor i had sent me this email and it was so perfectly worded, and i loved it. i think everyone should take a quick read and think about it for a day....

Consider the ego -
It is ego that divides us in all our relationships. Think of your own relationships with your family, spouse, children, parents, coworkers, etc. If there is a strain in the relationship, and you are honest enough to peer into the heart of the problem, you will discover ego. Ego is the notion that we are separate and different than others. Being different from others demands that we protect ourselves. In order to protect ourselves we adopt strategies like projecting a certain image, or attempting to control people and situations, or removing ourselves from others by judging and categorizing them as different, wrong, ugly, dumb, etc. In actuality all of these ego defensive strategies have one harmful side effect - they literally divide us from others.
-Brent Warnock


Isnt it just perfect. Guys, thats totally me sometimes. and its not that im actually thinking im better then someone but its the little thoughts in my head or little remarks i say day-to-day that i could totallllyyy work on. thats my goal for the next few days  is to try super hard to be much better. urgh what a breath of fresh air... goodnight for reals.xoxostevie

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