Day 29: Someone you'd switch lives with for a day and why?
urgh, this ones been super hard for me. its taken me a lonnnggg time to complete this challenge but this ones been the hardest question yet. i cant think of one particular person. not one person stands out in my mind. the things that ive been thinking of are more like the lifestyles people live yanno?
i think that i have nice things, not anything fancy but little simle things are what get me by in my life and im fine with that. but there are SO many people who wouldnt even know what to do with themselves if they had all that i have. running water, showers, a bed, a blanket, food in my fridge, cuboards, garage, pantry, excessive amounts of clothes, a computer, and education... it makes me wonder how they even do it? yet doesnt it seem to be that those people in africa, middle east, ANYWHERE... they are the ones who have smiles on their faces. they are grateful for what little they have. i would love to know what it would be like if someone came in, took everything i ever loved, wanted, earned boren with and just had me live like some people have had to. i know my attitude about so many things would be so different and i would treat the many things i do have with respect. everyone wants to be famous, who can blame them? it would be nice to sleep in when i wanted to, order millions of dollars in clothes a day, not go to work, school, do anything somedays because why would i need to? i would have billions stashed away i was just sitting on. although that would be nice a day or two out of the year, if i was to want to live like that, i know that i wouldnt learn anything. nothing about myself, my family or being grateful.
theres a song i was listening to today on the way to work by one of my favorie artists Ryan Adams. Anyways, one of my favorite songs by him came on my shuffle today with the ipod and this lyric quote really struck me....
"If everybody is grateful, how come nobody's satisfied?"
how perfect is that? i know it hits me right on the head sometimes! i really can say i am so grateful for what i have been able to provide for myself, what my family has given me and what god has allowed me to have in this life, i truely am grateful for it. but, why am i not satisfied all the time? i always find myself thinking "oh i need to save for that" or "mom i want one of those" or yaddidada... anyways i think that im going to challenge myself this week to try and be grateful but also try to be satisfied and not always reach for more. you wanna do it with me? please do! okay nightynigghhhhtt!
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