guys, i want to do things for you!!! hahah, but seriously! this is my "student pricing." i obviously would feel super sad if i charged you guys a ton when im not profeshhhh yet, but as soon as i graduate my prices will go up up uppp! so take advantage friends!!! call me (8015185700) to make an appointment with me while im not at school, or i can make it for you at her school, whatever’s easier for you guys, thanks for the support :)
Women $7
Women $7
Men $3
Beard Trim $1
Scalp Treatment $5
Deep Condition $5
17 Minute Miracle $10 (this is my absolute favvvoriteee!!)
Short Hair $15
Long Hair $30
(Additional Solution if Needed $7)
Hair Color/Weave/Highlights
All Over Color $15
(Additional Color Application $8)
Cap Highlights $15
Weave $25(min charge)
(Additional Color Application $10)
Color Remover $10(per application)
Full 60 min. Facial $25
Back Facial $25
Half Leg $15
Full Leg $25
Full Face $15
Lip $4
Nose* $3
Chin $3
Eyebrows* $5
Cheeks $7
Half Arm $8
Full Arm $12
Under Arm $10
Chest $25
Back $25
Bikini $20
Feet & Toes $5
Eyelash Tinting* $8
Eyebrow Tinting* $6
Pedicure $15
Manicure $8
Eyelash Extensions $25
*Add these with another service and its 1$ off, not much but that dolla you save will buy you... a drink at mcdonalds or something fabbulous!!!
SO i might take you up on this offer!! I just read this and got all sorts of excited!!