I hate my answer. Its so cliché and such but it honestly is one of my all time favorite places to be. I grew up in the same house from the womb until I was seventeen. I was supper bummed when my parents decided to move. Like ultra super pissed more like. It was the definition of a cozy house. 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Super tiny but so nice, close knit, perfect for me!
but when we decided to move I thought my life was a gonner. Little did I know I was going to love the house we moved into. We looked and looked for probably 6 or 7 monthes to try and find the perfect one. We looked in S. Jordan, Sandy, Draper… everywhere and finally decided on 5627 Valewood Dr.

I love it here. Some of the most amazing things happen right inside our doors. ive seen people come and go and come back and then leave again, ive seen fights, makeups, hugs, tears, laughter, family wrestling matches, discussions, ive seen it all. The best part of all, it that in my home, whether it was my Clear Street home, or Valewood… I have been taught, shown, and lived through love. True, unconditional love. I feel it right when I walk through my front doors. Miracles beyond belief. i love that I know if I need anything this is where I will most likely end up. I love that I can curl up in a ball with a blanket, and slowly but surely as people come home or pass the room I am in, Sam will come in and help me pick out the movie we wanna watch, my mom will make homemade popcorn and start watching whatever with us, then as my dad passes he will hurry and make a weird mixture of Kool-aid and pour everyone a cup and watch with us and offer to go get a redbox, and then when ely finally comes home he will try and act like he doesn’t wanna watch with us and go in the other room for a minute but sooner or later he will always come in and watch. I love my family, I love the memories we share, the pictures we have taken, the places we have been. and my home is what holds our family in, and reminds us of what we all have created together, physically and mentally. its not a perfect place, but its where we are together and try and learn the difference between a home and a house.
I love the spot