Friday, August 27, 2010

gimme cake.

why?? why is it that i seem to always want what i cant have. or that when i want something from somene i cant explain exactly to a tee what i want them to do, say or feel. oober frustrating that i cant always be 100% satisfied. and even if i do, it feels as if it is only for a short amount of time. when i feel like this, i honestly just feel defeated. like i cant even do anything about how i feel or im not the one that’s controlling who i am or what i feel anymore.. am i even real?! hahaha thats honestly what i think sometimes. and for the most part by me saying i want what i cant have isnt all the way true. a better way to describe how im feeling is the good, old saying of "i want to have my cake, and eat it too" i want so much for things to be stable in my life and to have a daily routine for everything. it just seems easier to live life in that way, but honestly when i really think about, i would much rather have a random, crazy day thats literally fullll of surprises that i can wake up every day and wonder, what will today bring stevie? i, szh, vow that from this day/night forward i will for every negative i think about try and find three positives about the situation i am in. therefore i can try be in the worst situation ever and always look for the bright side so i can try to come to terms with myself and realize that my life isnst really THAT bad... i am so grateful for so many things...and because i have one negative complaint in my head, i will share with you three things that i am incredibly thankful for....
1-family, i know that is such a cliché thing to be thankful for but i honestly have no clue as to where i would be in my life right now without them and the support that comes along with them. they are my rock and keep me standing when i feel like i cant handle anymore. they give me words of encouragement and motivation when i need it the most. although they can be difficult and frustrating at times i love them all very much.
2-friends, i know i already have talked about a few friends that mean a lot to me a few weeks ago but i want to talk about a few that come to my mind just recently. some of the people i am going to name have helped me earlier in my life but i have been thinking about them a lot lately and i want to acknowledge them right now and give a short reasoning as to why i am thankful for them at this point in time...

Rachel Densley-my best friend. she is someone who has seen me at my happiest times and defiantly at my lowest of low, she has been such an example to me as to how to pick myself up from a hard place and go with it. she is someone i cannot even begin to picture not being in my life. she is in tune with people on an emotional and spiritual level that i one day hope to have myself. she in a very compassionate and understanding person. she has taught me so much in the short year or so that i have known her. she is very talented and even though she is very indecisive i love that she trusts me enough to listen to whatever i have to say and trusts that i would never do anything to put her in harms way, thats a very big compliment she has given me without knowing. she makes me feel like i can be whoever i want to be and thats a very liberating feeling.  i love her very much.

Paul Merica- i can always rely on him to put a smile as big as the united states on my face. very supportive and encourages me to branch out, try new things and just be me. we have gotten so close and i am so glad that he is someone i can go to whenever i need to. he is a very non-judgmental and one of the most excepting people i know. i hope one day i can be as excepting as he has been his whole life. he has met some cool people by just taking them for what they are.

Samijo Kouglious- holy cow, how could i not just love every ounce of her? shes awesome, and has taught me a lot. we were best friends three years ago and although we arent the closest we have always been able to talk about very deep and real things together as if we have been the best of friends since day one. i am thankful for the input she has been able to give me throughout the times when i have needed her most.

Taylor Buck- i dont see him very much anymore but i cannot help to remember all of the awesome times and absolutely hilarious memories i have had with this kid. he has such an awesome energy about him and just is a very honest human, those are two of his many good qualities! i admire him for being the way he is despite what people think about him.  i know that even though we don’t talk anymore, if i ever needed anything from him or from anyone he would be more than willing to help me out along with anyone else that needed anything. i am so thankful for him and the friendship we have had throughout the past six years of knowing each other.

Ryan Kee-man oh man this kid and i have been good, solid friends for quite some time. he is such a good guy and whenever i think about him, or someone will bring him up in conversation i cant help but to get a great big smile on my face. he is someone i have always been able to go to for good news as well as bad news. he is happy for me when good things happen to me and has been a shoulder to cry on when i have went through some tough times as well. he is such a cute boy and he has dated some cute girls, but he has also talked, and got to know a lot of girls who wouldn’t necessarily be known as the "10's" he gives everyone a chance and makes everyone feel like a million bucks after you get done talking to him. he is someone i admire because he is so positive and such a nice person.

3-my job. i am so lucky to have a job that i can go to. i am so thankful that in the times that we are in to be able to work (on average) 3-5 days a week. this job helps me to pay for insurance, gas, phone bill, and any other things i may need that my parents wont or cannot help provide for me. i am so glad that i have been able to have some sort of a job since i was fifteen years old. having a job has shown me that hard work really does pay off! it has shown me responsibility and helped me kind of, sort of save money.... or that i should at least try:)

wow. there ya have it. i went into this blog hating life and wanting to strangle someone and here i am now so calm and not so upset as before. i love my life, i truly do. i love the people that are in my life and that are helpful and try to do all that they can for me. i am also, as bad as it may sound, thankful for my hardships and trials that i have day to day, month to month and year to year. i have learned everything from them and i can honestly say that i am everything that i am today, from everything that i am not. helll yeah baby, bring it on! im ready szh

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