Hmm so now I can actually sit down and write without having anything to do after and rush through writing this time. Hmm but what to say or write about? I guess I can just write about what I have been thinking about lately… I have done a lot of thinking about friends lately. Not just like hey how are you doing every few months, I am more thinking about true friends and things like that. I think that in the past 18 years I have learned a lot about what it takes to be a good friend; obviously you are going to lose and gain friends every so often which I think is a good thing. I think you need to see how you lose friends and what they do to make you not really want to be as close to them anymore because every time that happens, the next friend you find will be a stronger relationship because of the last one. Like you learn from it right? I don’t even know if I am making sense to anyone but myself but on I go… so anyways I have been thinking about some friends I have that I am grateful for..

These kiddos have MADE my summer! Ahh this summer we have had so much fun together and gotten to know each other so well! I hope we continue to be friends!
Rachel- holy cow where the crap would I be without her? We are together almost all day, every day and we have too much fun! We are very different from each other but also alike in a lot of ways but I feel like we are more different then alike. Which makes it nice when we both have problems we always get a different point of view in how to go about handling it and that’s probably what I love most about our friendship. We always think of random but hilarious and enjoyable things to do and we laugh while doing it and then turn around and laugh even harder thinking, wow we really just did that! We are very funny and silly together which, as most should know… humor is the way to my heart!
Cade-awwww, cadence! My ultimate best friend. I feel as if we are extremely close, I can talk to him about anything in the entire world and he listens and helps when he can. He is a very good listener and I love that about him. He is very blunt and straight to the point so it’s nice to hear about how it really is and he pretty much tells me how it is. Him and I can just sit there and do nothing and laugh and have a good time together. A memory I will always remember with him is one time we went camping and I just sat on his lap and we just talked and after we talked it got quite for a few seconds and he just said "we just had a relaly good talk" haha I dunno why but I will always remember that memory we had together! I love him so much and I don’t know what I would do without him...
Paul- We are close in other ways, ways that I haven’t ever been with anyone else. Paul knows me very well, we have had some very deep talks and I feel like he knows a lot about me and has made me feel comfortable enough about myself to be honest and tell him things about myself that I normally wouldn’t tell very many people. To me , this is huge because I can trust him enough to know everything about me, and still like hanging around with me :)
Other people who I love and look up to for what they have taught me and for being there for me through random times in my life are people like Samijo, Jenna, Katie, Taylor B, Julian, Ely, Sean, Myles, Shelley, Rachelle, Ryan, Wyatt, and many more! Thank you so much for all that you have taught me about friendship and life! You probably didn’t know you have all helped me in some way or another but you have!
Wow! Longer post then I thought but I just had so many things I wanted to say! But wow things seem to be changing so fast, as they usually do in the fall just this time it feels like a permanent change. People are going to college and so the normal hangouts won’t be the same because not everyone will always be down here to hang out. I know it will be for the better, like meeting new people and such! Just a random fact slash side note, I was already having a good day but then I got to talk to an old friend, Julian Moore, and we were able to catch up, and talk and I miss that kid! We used to have so much fun laughing and joking around with people! I hope he has a good next year up at Utah State! Good luck Julian! But anyways I think I am off to sleep I was just informed I am to take brother Sam to the dentist at the crack of dawn (9:50) tomorrow morning before work. Shiz, cutting into m y precious sleep time! Man oh man, oh well night xoxo szh