Who was the last person you had a serious conversation with?my dearest erica at school! we always have sensational talks about life and what not...
Has anyone said they loved you today? multiple people actually. mother, ely kenz, erica and cadence
Is someone on your mind right now? my brother whos just creepin on me from the other room being a weirdy.
Last person's bed you were on other than yours? mother and fathers. i sluffed church to read... fail.
If you had to get another piercing (not ears) what would you get? nose, call me a weirdo but i think they are gorg!!! i dont know if i could exactly pull it off with my strange honker but i like to think i would look fantastic.
Do you care if people smoke around you? meh, not really. its just whatever. my close family members smoke and i dont seem to mind most of the time. if it starts getting to me i either tough it out because we're in good convo or just slide on out of the premises.
Have you ever been really good friends with someone, but now you're just friends? hasnt everyone? i had friends in high school that i thought i would never dream to lose contact with and even just being out for two years i rarely talk to and when i do bump into them, its like we are meeting for te first time. i think im in an odd stage in my life when im finally being shown into the real world where you dont just get to hang out with friends all the time. i look at my parents and they have 6 friends MAYBE not even that, that they keep in on-and-off contact with. i think i know the friends i will carry on with me and thats that. wow, that was a rant.
What's your favorite color? i love the colors grey and black, people say that those arent colors but boo to them. i love the color peach though!!!
Who did you last call on the phone? ely
What was the last thing you drank? water. its usually a rare occasion that i drink anything but water.
What was the last song you heard? young blood by the naked and famous... PLEASE listen! its the best!!!!!
Who was the last person that made you cry? just myself. sometime life can get so frustrating. dont you ever feel that way? sometimes i feel like im just being swallowed in my stupid choices or just different circumstances and i tend to think sometimes "okay, seriously. this. is. not. FAIR!!!!" but then again there's always going to be someone better and always someone worse off then you are. i always try to remember that. i got my email from the universe today and it was seriously EXACTLY what i needed to hear....
Ever wish for do-over days, Stevie?
You know, hit the reset button and give'er another shot?
You know, hit the reset button and give'er another shot?
Cool.... Will today work!?Stevie, they're all do-over days, you're a forever being, and whatever you once dreamed of for yourself, I still dream of for you.
It's never too late,
The Universe